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Updated: May 28, 2020

This is a traditional Easter cake from central Italy (Umbria to be specific :D ) The name"Ciaramicola" come from “ciaramella”that reminds of the dough shape and it's origin stories tell that this was the dessert that future wife's were preparing in Easter time for their future husbands!

Doses for 8 people


450g flour

4 eggs

60 g butter

250g sugar

15 g baking powder

1/2 lemon skin

1 glass of Alchermes liquor

Icing sugar

Sugar sprinkle decorations


kitchen whisk

savarin pan

kitchen scale


Start preheating the oven at 170 degree

Separating the 4 egg-yolks from the whites; keep only 1 of the egg-whites for the preparation and put the the others three in a bowl in to the fridge for the time being ( they will be used later for the meringue decoration).

Then begin mixing the yolks, butter and the sugar together until it becomes a clear homogeneous cream.

Then add the total amount of flour and baking powder together

Then add the glass of liquor.

Then add the milk until the mix is soft and well incorporated in the mix ( as at this point the mix will be quite thick).

Aside, whisk the single egg-white we have kept for the mixture ( not the three we had put in the fridge!) with a teaspoon of icing sugar ( or normal sugar if you do not have it will be fine)

until is firm (like whipped cream).

Add the eggs-whites to the yolk mix, by incorporating the whites with a spoon or fork from the bottom of the mixture to the top making sure to incorporate it well with the mixture.

Butter in the savarian pan and pour in the mix.

Cook for 40 minutes at 170 degree.


While your cake is baking in the oven start preparing the meringue to garnish the cake.

This will sound difficult but it is not! Weight on a scale the three egg-whites previously saved in the fridge and add to it half of their weight of sugar (e.g. if the white eggs is 100 grams, then add 50 g of sugar)

Put some boiling water in a pan or a bowl (container 1 ) big enough to contain another bowl on top (container 2) : bain-marie technique.

Put the three egg-whites and the sugar in the container 2 and start whisking (the aim of doing this on top of some hot water is to let the meringue more thick with the heat ).

The final result need to be as a thick cloud.

Once the cake is cooked, remove it from the savarin pan and put it up sides down in to an other oven tray or pan.

Put the meringue by using a spoon or a spatula on top of the cake, apply the sugar sprinkles decorations on top (if you want) and put all back in the oven at 40 degrees for 5 other minutes.



Recipe of Agnese!

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