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Pizza home-made 🍕

Updated: Jun 6, 2020

Obviously one of the most classic clichè about Italians is Italians always eating Pizza or pasta! So here we are, I will give to you my personal recipe for the pizza dough, let it rise for 24 hours and you will taste the magic!

The amount of water present in a dough is called hydration and is expressed as a percentage by comparing it to the kg of flour. Baked products have different levels of hydration. The presence of water in greater or lesser quantities corresponds to a different structure of the leavened both before and after cooking. In pizza and bread, hydration is essential to determine the type of product that will be made: greater hydration will result in more honeycombed and light dough. A highly hydrated dough, if worked with method and care, is lighter before cooking and is very soft.

The large bubbles will be more developed and the crumb structure will be less dense.

The hydration of this dough is 80%!

Pizza it is one of the most famous Italian dish and it gets a different version for each country and sometimes even from different city! Maybe it is for this reason why everyone got their own favorite one. It is one of the most cleared and "abused dishes", just think to the Hawaiian pizza with pineapple...please this hurts us every time! :D

There are many different ways to stuff a pizza, with tomatoes or without, adding mushroom, salami, ricotta, sausages, rocket and many other toppings!

I fancy most type of pizza (obviously) and I am always willing for pizza! One of my favourite one is with mashed potatoes, Italian sausages and Porcini mushroom, I know it sounds strange from someone not coming from the south of Italy but, trust me it is amazing,

seeing is believing!

The pizza dough can have different "styles" the classic Neapolitan version, pizza in baking tin, shovel pizza, thin and crunchy but we all agree how amazing it is!

So hands in dough and make your pizza!

Doses for 2/3 pizza


- 600gr flour (type 1 be preferred)

- 420gr gr water divided in 3 part (120gr,220gr,80gr)

- 2gr yeast

- 17 gr salt


- 1big bowl

- or a planetary mixer (if you have, otherwise you will develop some muscles :D)


As you have divided the water in 3 parts, you need to put the yeast in the 220gr water glass and mix it.

If you have the planetary that's good and you will rest otherwise you will develop a very good muscle in your arm! :D

Put all the flour in the bowl and add the first part of water the 120r.

Keep mixing until the flour will disappear, you will left some kind of lumps,just crumble it.

When all the flour "disappear" you can add the second part (220gr) of water the one with the yeast in it, just adding slowly a bit at a time. Mix bringing the dough from bottom to the top as in the video.

You need to keep working the dough until you have a smooth and compact one.

When you are done, you need to leave to rest the dough for 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes you are ready for the last round!

Now you need to add the third part of water (80gr), as before you need to pour it slowly in to the dough and add the salt.

Keep working the dough until it absorb all the water and it is elastic but it doesn't break and smooth.Now that you have your dough you are ready to let it rest and rise!

See the video to understand the consistency.

The bowl where you will leave the dough must not have any pieces of dough around as that part will get dry over the natural leavening.

You need to cover and wrap the bowl with cling film and a cloth on the top.

Keep the bowl at room temperature for 2 hours. Be careful to avoid having jump in temperature for the dough.

After 2 h put the bowl in the fridge for 12h.

After the 12h you need to take out the bowl still covered and leave it at room temperature for 2h.

At this point we need to fold the pizza dough, decide how many pizza do you wan to do.

Take the bowl and gently remove the cling film (it may be attached to it so be gentle and do not "break" the dough), put some flour on a work surface and reverse the dough on it.

You need to be very gentle with the dough as it full of bubble that helps the natural leavening. Now you need to divide the dough, I suggest you to do 2 or maximum of 3 so you will have a nice and soft dough for each pizza.

Divide the dough and now you need to fold each dough as the video, massage gently each dough and fold it side by side to create a new smooth dough.

Stretch and fold high hydration pizza dough

You need to use the hand and gentle massage it to avoid to break the bullas created in it. You do not need to handle too much the dough.

When you got your 2/3 new dough put each one to rest it in a in a bowl with a flour-dusted tea towel. Cover again each bowls with cling film and now keep at room temperature for 7h.

Always be careful do not leave the bowls where they can be affect by a jump in temperature.

After 7h you are ready to manage for the last time your dough and put it in a oven tray.

Before starting to manage the dough switch on the oven at maximum temperature.

Gently work each dough, put some flour on a work surface and reverse the dough on it.

It will be very soft and elastic so you need to manage just a little to get it more wide and the right size you need ( you do not need to splay it too much as you need to work it a little more in the oven tray).

It is important to not use any rolling pin but only your hand to avoid to flat the dough and "destroy" all the nice natural leavening.

Put some olive oil in each oven tray and finally you can lie down your dough, just press gently the dough to fit it in the tray.

It depends on you how you would like to manage the cornice of the pizza, if you like a high one you do not have to press too much on the edge.

Now it is time to cook them!

Lay the tray at the bottom of the oven for 6/7 minutes,

After that put the tray in the middle of the oven for 8 minutes. When it is left 5 minutes, you can stuff your pizza! Make sure to check the bottom of the pizza too.

If you are stuffing the pizza with tomato sauce you need to put it at the beginning before putting the tray in the oven.

Recap scheme for the long leavening:

  • first 2 hours on room temperature

  • 12 hours in the fridge

  • 2 hours on room temperature

  • Stretch and fold high hydration pizza dough

  • 7 hours on room temperature

  • Roll out, topping, bake and eat =P

Your pizzeria at home is open!


You can literally put whatever you like on the pizza but, still need to be careful to not put pineapple, we can see you! And we will judge you hard! :D

You can increase the dosage of the pizza, just doing the proportions. But stills it is a 24 h leavened you do not need high dose of yeast.

With 1kg you will able to do 4 pizza.

- 1kg of flour

- 700gr gr water divided in 3 part (200gr,400gr,100gr)

- 3gr of yeast

- 25gr salt

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