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Italian stuffed vegetables

Updated: Jun 9, 2020

In Italy, filled vegetables are a famous dish all over the peninsula ( finally something that is not only from the North or South!) In reality, despite is a common dish, every region make this very different changing the filling type ( bread, meat, fish or a mixture ) and the way they are cooked. To make everyone even happier, this dish is also very famous in other part of the world like south america and the Balcanic area, with even more differences in the flavours! This version of the filled vegetables is inspired by the bread filling of my Mum but it integrate spices from all over the world in particular my favourite spice " turmeric"!

Doses for 2-3 portions


- 2 courgettes - 2 peppers

- 4-5 slices of toasts

- 20-30 g grated Parmigiano (optional)

- salt and pepper as needed

- half glass of milk (or soy milk)

-different spices

(You can mix any spices you like for the filling, here I am going to write down what I decided to do but go with your fantasy and taste!)

Courgettes filling spices

- dry basil and parsley - 1 teaspoon of homemade pesto sauce

Peppers filling spices

- paprika and chilli flakes - 1 tsp of turmeric powder


- bowl

- oven tray


Start by cutting the courgettes in half and removing the inside of the courgettes leaving the two half of the courgettes empty as boats. Keep the inside of courgettes aside for now. Cut the top of the peppers, remove all the seeds from inside the peppers trying not to ruin the shape of the peppers

Now we start preparing the fillings.

We will have to reduce the toast into crumbs, you can use a blender or if you do not have it, make it into very small pieces with your hands

Take back the inside of the courgettes that we had previously left aside, cut them into small pieces as small as possible then mix it together with the toast crumbs.

Add salt, grated Parmigiano or cheddar, garlic powder or a garlic clove cutted finely to the mix.

Add 100 ml of milk and mix well. The compound should be like a very thick mix.

you can add more milk if is too thick or add another slice of toast reduced in crumbs if it is too wet.

Now you can add all the spices together and then fill the vegetables.

I, instead, decided to split the filling into two different bowls and add different spices to each one in order to make the filling of the two vegetables of a different final taste and also a different colour filling.

Therefore I added, for the courgettes filling: dry basil, parsley and a teaspoon of pesto sauce (see suggestions for this)

For the peppers filling I added: a teaspoon of turmeric powder, paprika and chilli flakes

With a spoon fill now your vegetables up to the edges

To make a crunchy and more flavour top, cover with extra Parmigiano or cheddar

Put now in the middle of the a preheated oven. Cook at 150-160 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes until the vegetables has softened ( you can check if they are cooked bt gently piercing it with a toothpick)

Your Italian style filled vegetables are ready! Serve hot with a bit of olive oil to garnish!



- to make a quick "pesto creamy sauce" ( IS NOT PESTO!): take a handful of basil leaves, add a spoon of EVO oil, salt, pine seeds, garlic powder and pepper and blend with a mixer. Done!

-You can do any big size vegetable in this way. Italians typically do it with aubergines (called melanzane ripiene) or also with vine size tomatoes ( called pomodori ripieni)!

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