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Lemon Cupcakes (egg-free)

Updated: May 22, 2020

Due to COVID-19,eggs are no longer as available as before ( I am seriously unsure what people are doing with it now that were not doing before...but I leave this imagination for you..) Therefore I had to improvise in my kitchen and I found that eggs are actually over estimated in baking... I can get the same tasty and super delicious cupcakes and muffin without even bother about eggs anymore! So this is why you will find out that most of my recent recipes will not have eggs. A glass of milk or soy milk for a vegan version will solve all the problems so why bother? If you are interested we also have some homemade fresh pasta eggs free so...check it out here!)

Doses for 12 cupcakes


plain flour 200g

milk 1 glass -approx 200 mls- (or soya Milk for vegan version)

butter/ vegetable oil or spreadable 100 g

sugar 100g

1 tsp of baking powder

1 lemon


measuring spoons



1 fork

muffin tray and paper cups


Start turning on the oven at 180 degree ( celsius) in a ventilation mode.

Now proceed by adding the powders together so add the baking powder to the flour and mix.

Add the sugar and mix to obtain an homogeneous mix

At this point wash and dry a lemon. Grate the lemon zeist inside the mix, making sure not to add any "white" bits or your final product will be bitter (as your soul when you try it).

Mix it with the fork, and you should see the lemon disappear in the mix. Magic.

At this point you can melt the butter in a pot, in the oven or use directly the vegetable oil. Once you have your fats melt down, add it to the mixture

Now add the milk too

Mix it thoroughly until your mix is of a thick creamy consistency ( like custard cream!). Do not leave any lumps behind or you will regret it later!

Now, I hope you did not threw away the lemon because we need the lemon juice!

Squeeze half of the lemon in the mixture. I personally put the whole lemon juice in the mix as I like it quite " lemony" but start with half and taste the mixture a bit, if you want more...go for it!

( I know I can hear your mums shouting not to eat a raw mixture but... they do not have to know!)

When you start mixing it, the lemon will kind of degrading the milk ( some magical reaction....) ignore it and keep mixing.

Do not let the mixture feel your fear or it will be over!

Mix until is homogeneous again.

Now prepare your tray: fill the muffins tray with 2/3 of the mixture each. If you put more they will explode, if you put less they will not grow enough. Up to you!

Now place the tray in the oven and watch them coming to life!

they will cook at 180 degrees for roughly 20 minutes. Please check them out after 15 mins as they might be already ready, or not at all....who knows!

test them with a toothpick in the middle. if it comes out dry, they are ready, if not ( sticky cream remains on the tooth pick) just leave them another 5 minutes in the oven.

Then they are ready!


So the final result is usually more beautiful than this. But this is how they came up this time that I was taking pictures so I am not going to lie about it. Tasted delicious but the ones who have a "unicorn" are the ones I overfilled ( I told you not to do it!). Anyway, I decided to garnish them just to make them more beautiful but they are fab like that so just eat them like that ( also they are not so fatty so why ruin everything now?).

Here is a pic after garnishing them with lemon cream. I will put the recipe of the garnishing cream another day!


You can do this cupcakes with basically everything!

E.g. You can add a cup of espresso in the mixture to make COFFE CUPCAKES or cocoa powder to make them chocolate taste. You can add blueberries instead of lemon, diced apples and cinnamon. You can do them plain and then after cooking them you can fill them with strawberry jam, chocolate cream, lemon cream... The mixture is good for everything so feel free to test it with what you have in the house

(usually this is what I do) I will put some pictures of the different variants

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