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Nerano's Spaghetti

Updated: May 28, 2020

Doses for 2 portions

As in this months we are so nostalgic of our land and hers amazing dishes, I decide to try to replicate them and have a little taste of the Amalfi coast (Nerano) in my kitchen and try o taste it from far. The food is always a good reason to miss a place =D

This dish is so fresh and tasty, I'm never tired of this dish!


- 200gr spaghetti

- 2 courgettes

- 100gr grated provole del Monaco(Manchego is the best replacement)

- 5-10 basil leaves

- Evo Olive Oil Sale

- 1 garlic cloves

- Fine salt as needed.

- Pepper as needed


Fry pan


Spaghetti alla Nerano is an Italian pasta dish invented in Nerano, small Italian village of sailors, overlooking the Gulf of Salerno, at the beginning of the Amalfi Coast. Its main ingredients are pasta, fried zucchinis and provolone del Monaco (or caciocavallo). Among the many attributions circulating, the main one points to a restaurant owner named Maria Grazia in the mid-1950s. The restaurant still exists to this day.


Let’s start from the courgettes, cut them into thin slices and fry them in plentiful evo olive oil.

When some of them start to be brown you can take them out and place them on an absorbent sheet. If you want avoid to fry them you can just stir fry them with enough oil to avoid to burn them. You can keep this scented oil of zucchini to dress your salads :P. Wash the basil leaves and put them together with the courgettes aside for now. Grate the cheese and keep aside.

Preparing the salted water for the pasta, when the water starts boiling, put the pasta in. You can add the cutted parts of courgettes in the water to add a little taste, and it is a good way to "recycle" and avoid waste.

In the meantime take the garlic clove, peel it and chop it a little. Heat some oil (you can use the one from the courgette) in a pan, better a wok and add the garlic, making fry but be careful not to burn it. After take it out and add the courgettes with the basil and just mix them a little bit.

It is important the pasta is cooked “al dente” because we are going to cook it in the pan together with courgettes and mix into a creamy consistency so remove those 3minutes before the time written on the package. Keep the cooking water to create the creaminess.

Add the cooked spaghetti in the pan with courgettes and basil, toss them together adding the grated cheese. Cook a few more minutes, taking care that the seasoning does not dry out too much. Add more cooking water if necessary to obtain the right creaminess: this is the real secret of the Nerano spaghetti recipe! You can add some extra fresh basil too and garnish with a little pepper if you prefer on each portions.

You are ready to impress ;)


As the original recipe is using the provolone del Monaco but as is not simple to find, especially in London’s supermarket, I used the Manchego, it is a good replacement or you can use even the Parmesan.

My personal touch is using the mint instead of basil (as in the classic recipe) as it gives a touch of freshness !

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