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Pasta philadelphia and courgettes

Updated: Jun 4, 2020

For this super quick, light and very tasty recipe, I used the best ingredient possible which is my fresh egg free home made pasta! You can check the recipe out HERE!

In life and in the kitchen I get bored very easily! This is why I love changes (I came to the UK, I changed Job twice, then went back to University and I usually travel around the world at least two times a year! ) I just hate doing the same things over and over again!

And this is so evident in the kitchen! I cannot even imagining eating the same things day after day, and after eating "tomato pasta" for all my childhood, I simply cannot stand it anymore ( do not tell my partner, He loves it and thinks that he makes me happy when he cook it... I simply cannot stand it anymore! 🤣 ) . You might think "well...italian eat pasta every day, now you tell me you like changes?!" Yes we italian eat always pasta but it can be cook in so many different ways that it assumes a total different taste all the time! There is no need to eat boring- pasta!

(Just to specify.. I do not get bored of pizza... I could eat pizza for breakfast, lunch, dinner and still wanting more! that does not count!)

Anyway, I was saying.... I like to open the fridge and mixing ingredients that I usually would not, so for instance this time I made an unusual pasta dish, but is something very tasty and these are ingredients you might have in your fridge very often and not even knowing what a magic you could make with it!

It is so easy and quick to make and the result will be just amazing!

Doses for 2 portions


-180-200 g of pasta

- 3 tablespoons of philadelphia

- 30 g grated parmigiano Reggiano

- 1 courgette

- 1 tablespoon of EVO oil

- Salt


-1 pan

- 1 pot


Let's start by washing and cutting in slices the courgettes. Then add a spoon of EVO oil to a pan and put the courgettes to cook for 5-6 minutes until they become soft

As the courgettes softens let's cook the pasta. Put some water to boil, add a hand full of salt and when the water is boiling add the pasta. As I am using my fresh homemade pasta, the cooking time is just few minutes so I do not have much time to prepare the sauce ( and I do not event want to waste loads of time so this is ok!)

In a bowl put the three spoons of cheese, add the grated parmigiano, a couple of table spoons of water from the pasta and mix well. You should obtain a very runny cream cheese, if is too thick just add more water to it. Then leave it aside.

When the pasta is ready, put it into the pan with the courgettes.

Add the creamy cheese sauce, mix well a couple of minutes and serve hot!


- Add pepper and more parmigiano on top to make it even tastier !


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