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Ragù bolognese

Updated: May 22, 2020

Ragù is one of the most famous Italian’s dishes, usually used with the fresh handmade egg tagliatelle or for making Lasagne. It is known as a dish from Bologna, but it is cooked all over Italy and some places got their own version. From 1982 it is a certified Bolognese dish with copyright :D

It takes a long preparation because, the more it stays on the heat, the more it is tasty and intense is the flavour. To do a good one you should cook it at least for 3 hours. But don't get down, it is an easy preparation and you can handmade the pasta (tagliatelle) in the meantime, from our previous recipe :P

Doses for 8 portions


-1 carrot (~50gr)

- ½ onion (~50gr)

- 1 celery (50gr)

- 1 glass of white wine

- 750gr of mincemeat

( mix of beef 500gr & pork 250g)

- Tomato sauce (~ 220gr)

- 3l of water

- EVO olive oil as needed

- Salt as needed

- Pepper as needed

- 1 glass of milk


High pan fry


Let’s start to do the “soffritto”, this is a very used base in the Italian kitchen, chop in little pieces the carrot, the onion and the celery, I do not usually use the celery because I do not always have it in the fridge. Place them in a high pan fry with some olive oil over a medium heat for 10 mins, stir now and then, until softened and starting to colour until they “wither”.

Now you can add the meat to the “soffritto". Stir the mince and cook, breaking up any clumps of meat with a wooden spoon, until browned. The meat will release the juice so keep cooking until it dries ; now simmer with white wine until reduced. Let the alcohol evaporate well and you will see that the flavours of the dish will intensify.

When everything is dry you can add the tomato sauce.

Now add the first litre of water, stir a little and add the salt. Cover with a tight-fitting lid and leave to cook gently for 1 hr-1 hr 15 mins until the meat is tender and the sauce has thickened, keep stirring often.

After the first hour you can add another litre of water, mix and cook for another hour. If you realise it is still too watery you can cook it more before putting the new litre.

After two hours you are ready to use the last litre, keep cooking gently for another hour.

After about 3 hours the result will be very dry, check the salt and you can add some pepper if you like it. Switch off the cookers. Add the milk and stir, this is to give creaminess and dampen the acidity of the tomato.

Now the Bolognese is ready to be used!



You can cook it in advance and keep it in the fridge covered for 2-3 days and warm it up when you need it. You can even freeze it in mono portion and have it ready for every eventuality :)

Caserecce with Ragù :P

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