Doses for 10 pancakes
- Flour 150gr
- sugar 50gr
- water 200gr
- oil 24gr
- pinch of salt
- 1 tsp baking powder
- bowl
- immersion hand blender / a balloon whisk
- small pan
Whisk the flour, baking powder, sugar and a pinch of salt in a bowl using a balloon whisk until mixed. Slowly pour in the water together with the oil until you get a smooth, thick batter. If you had one immersion hand blender will be better, the important thing is to avoid lumps.
When finally you reach a thick batter without lumps, you are ready to start!
Heat a little of the oil in a non-stick frying pan over a medium-low heat and add 3 tbsp batter into the pan at a time to make small, round pancakes.
Cook for 3-4 mins until the edges are set, and bubbles are appearing on the surface.
Flip the pancakes over and cook for another 2-3 mins until golden on both sides and cooked through. Keep warm in a low oven while you cook the remaining pancakes.
Now we are ready to eat! :P
Serve stacked with lots of toppings of your choice, like honey, chocolate or the best ever toppings: Marple syrup :P
For the sweet tooth you can use blueberries or chocolate chips to add to the batter!
Please share with us your try and tell us your favourite one ;)