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Vegetable Couscous

Updated: Jun 4, 2020

Doses for 2 portions


- 3 large vine tomatoes ( or any type of tomatoes)

- 2 mushrooms

- 2 different colour peppers

- Couscous 100 g

- EVO oil

-1 tbsp salt


- frying pan

- kitchen scale and measuring spoons


1) Start by cutting in small chunks (2 cm approx) all your vegetables on a chopping board.

2) heat some oil in a frying pan and put the peppers to cook for approx 5-10 minutes with the lid on.

3) Once the peppers starts to soften up, add the mushrooms and cook for approx 5 minutes

until the mushrooms are cooked and soft

4)Now turn off the hob and add the chopped tomatoes. Let it rest on the off hob ( we do not want to cook the tomatoes for now)

5) weight 100 grams of dry couscous and add a 2 tsp of salt ( the couscous will dry out all the water so if you add too much salt it will be all absorbed! be careful!)

6) aside put to boil 150-200 mls of water in a kettle

7) add the water to the couscous and let it rest for approx 5-6 minutes

( the couscous absorb roughly 1.5/2 times its weight of water. however if you put more water than this, it will keep trying absorbing it, becoming very soft turning into a fluffy consistency more like a mashed potatoes than a couscous therefore do not add too much water !)

7) add a tbsp of EVO oil to the couscous

8) Turn the hob back on, add the couscous and stir vegetables and couscous for few minutes. Your tomatoes will loose some of their juice that will be straightaway absorbed by the couscous!

9) You can serve it immediately as an hot dish or you can let it cool down to serve as a cold plate ( both ways, it's amazing and despite the small doses it will fill you up a lot!)



For the couscous you can add any vegetables you want and have at home, just stir fry it in a pan or boil them!

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